Thomas C. Pulliam

John James Pulliam, grandfather of Eva Pearl Bartleson, was the son of Wm. Thomas Pulliam & Mary Elizabeth ____ of Mo. (Died in Mo.) (notes of Eva Pearl Bartleson)

Mentioned by name in mother in law's will (see her Notes).


John W. Corbin & Thomas C. Pulliam were defendants in a suit for office judgment debt in Fredericksburg, VA.  ( - Wm. H. Hill & Co. vs Corbin & Pulliam, Collection CR-CI-L, Record ID 517-61, Recorded 1857, Fredericksburg, VA)


John W. Corbin, Thomas C. Pulliam & James M. Quisenberry were defendants in a suit for office judgment regarding slave Edmond, property of the estate of R. Tinder.  ( - Reynolds vs Corbin &c, Collection CR-CI-L, Record ID 517-106, Recorded 1857, Spotsylvania Co., VA)


John D. Brightwell, Joseph J. Halsey (trustee), John W. Corbin & Thomas C. Pulliam were defendants in action by Hart & Hayes (William T. Hart, James Hayes).  Notes Deed of Trust (John W. Corbin & Thomas C. Pulliam to Joseph Halsey - Spotsylvania Co., 1856).  Slaves (Dick, George (30), Reuben (23) - property of Corbin & Pulliam).  Also notes steam saw mill operated by Corbin & Pulliam in Spotsylvania Co., which provided plank to the Fredericksburg Plank Road Co.  ( - Hart & Hayes vs Brightwell, Collection CR-CI-H, Record ID 146-6, Recorded 1859, Spotsylvania Co., VA)


R. H. Pulliam, Thomas C. Pulliam & Michael McDannell were defendants in suit brought by Michael Boyle.  ( - Boyle vs Pulliam & McDonnell, Collection CR-CI-L, Record ID 548-108, Recorded 1871, Spotsylvania Co., VA)


Eliza Pulliam, daughter of Elizabeth Pulliam & wife of Thomas C. Pulliam, mother, of John James Pulliam & Thomas R. Pulliam, died intestate in Spotsylvania Co., VA in 1872. ( - Collection CR-CI-H, Record ID 222-13, Jno. James Pulliam & Thomas C. Pulliam vs. Thomas R. Pulliam, Spotsylvania Co., VA, Recorded 1874)

** Census schedules - Spotsylvania Co., Virginia

1840 Federal Census (1840.06.01) St. George’s Parish - pg 161, Thos C. Puliam.

Free white males under 5...1
20 - 29...1
females 20 - 29...1
Engaged in agriculture...7

1850 Federal Census (1850.06.01, Recorded 1850.08.16) Eastern District - Pg 378A, Ln 15, 86/86

- Thos. Pulliam, a 35 year old male Farmer, born in Virginia.

- Eliza Pulliam, a 37 year old female, born in Virginia.

- Thos. R. Pulliam, an 11 year old male farmer, born in Virginia.

- John J. Pulliam, a 6 year old male, born in Virginia.

- Daniel Herysie, a 60 year old male Laborer, born in Virginia.

He is not with his family for 1860 Census (see wife's Notes).


See son John James' Notes for 1870 Federal Census entry.

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W. Haddox Sothoron, M.D.